
Be aware of the wolf in sheeps clothing not everyone you fight will be an enemy
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 29, 2015
Be strong, Be unstoppable!
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 28, 2015
Have you answered your call to make your dreams come true? You can make your dreams come true with proper planning and hard work
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 28, 2015
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 28, 2015
It's always time to PUSH set your goals high & always be persistent
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 28, 2015
Always keep it real and Do It For Yourself
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Posted by joed69
1 Repost Mar 28, 2015
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Posted by joed69
1 Repost Mar 28, 2015
Be relentless, challenge yourself everyday
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 28, 2015
My life in a nutshell; working, lifting, eating or sleeping
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Posted by joed69
1 Repost Mar 09, 2015
TGIM Monday is the day to get back to your passion
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 09, 2015
Truth the Iron don't lie
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
8 years ago I was 295lbs obese, I did something about it. Thank God I turned to a fit lifestyle...I never felt or looked better...I'm in my mid 40's and look better than I did in my 20's. I'm a Warrior, are you
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
Some people talk about it, I do it...All aboard
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
Don't just post about about it...working out is a lifestyle...24/7...there is no on, or off switch
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
As we look forward to, a new month of positive change, and a new you, always remember to compliment others around you, on their strengths, not their weaknesses
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
This is not a hobby this is our Life
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
Chest Day was fun, did my cardio but didn't run Be Strong, FearLess and Wise now Lets Get To Work
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
Never retreat, and never surrender your dreams Hard Work always pays off in the end
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Posted by joed69
1 Repost Mar 07, 2015
Please DO NOT feed your fears, destroy them! The more you believe, the more you'll achieve
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Feb 15, 2015
Take a step back, breath
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Feb 15, 2015
Learn to trust the journey even when you do not understand it
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Dec 26, 2014
Sweat, Strength Belief Health the perfect formula for life
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Dec 26, 2014
It's Monday dont just talk about it, be about it Monday is a great day to start a new
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Posted by joed69
0 Reposts Nov 24, 2014