
Hey guys... Sometimes some of us struggle for achieving a leaner/slender physique, when in reality we were destined to be something else. Whatever that something else is make sure you make it look awesome!
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Posted by joechristian92
0 Reposts Jan 24, 2016
Dudes! There's nothing wrong with aging... :-)
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Posted by joechristian92
0 Reposts Jan 17, 2016
If you wonder why do we need to be tough and buff, here is one more reason... :-)
Guys... If you're like me, you probably feel totally frustrated about all those body fat% readings. I discover through Athlean x this chart to help us out. My scale says that I'm 30+%, when I can see vascularity and abs start to hint out.
This is my goal in life... Well not really, but at least one of them... Just give me a year.. :-) Peace out guys...!!!!