
It took me about 2 weeks to get that feeling
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 20, 2014
If you're willing to put in the work, you can accomplish anything. A strong mind, makes a strong body.
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Posted by jdl7865
3 Reposts Jan 20, 2014
Once you want it bad enough, excuses will go out the window
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 20, 2014
I need to start keeping this in mind
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Posted by jdl7865
0 Reposts Jan 20, 2014
Strive for greatness
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Posted by jdl7865
2 Reposts Jan 20, 2014
90% mental; 10% physical. Once you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything you want to.
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 14, 2014
If there's a will, there's a way. Find the willpower within you to keep pushing forward everyday.
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 14, 2014
Working out is also a great stress reliever!
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Posted by jdl7865
0 Reposts Jan 13, 2014
Never be comfortable or satisfied. Strive for greatness. Push yourself harder and harder everyday.
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 13, 2014
Quitting is definitely not an option
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Posted by jdl7865
0 Reposts Jan 13, 2014
This is an old pic (my first tattoo) but it's what I live by -- "seize the day". Live in the moment, take advantage of every opportunity, and go hard.
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Posted by jdl7865
0 Reposts Jan 09, 2014
Yep. First step to reaching and surpassing goals.
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Posted by jdl7865
0 Reposts Jan 08, 2014
That's how it is sometimes haha
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Posted by jdl7865
0 Reposts Jan 06, 2014
Patience is the key. There may be a few bumps in the road while on your journey but just keep pushing forward. It takes time; all the hard work will eventually pay off.
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Posted by jdl7865
6 Reposts Jan 06, 2014
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 06, 2014
Weight training isn't just physical. When you step in the gym, you have to be prepared physically AND mentally.
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Posted by jdl7865
2 Reposts Jan 06, 2014
Fight through that pain and exhaustion. Yes, fighting through will lead to great soreness the next day, but that soreness is your body changing! Remember, soreness = progress!
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Posted by jdl7865
2 Reposts Jan 05, 2014
this one is self-explanatory
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Posted by jdl7865
2 Reposts Jan 05, 2014
No one said it was supposed to be easy.
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 05, 2014
No excuses! Leave 'em at the door!
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Posted by jdl7865
2 Reposts Jan 05, 2014
That was literally how I felt 3 weeks ago in that top picture but now I'm starting to feel like the Spongebob in the second picture haha. I am getting stronger and stronger every week and it feels great!
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 05, 2014
Everyone has to start somewhere. Take that first step towards greatness!
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Posted by jdl7865
2 Reposts Jan 05, 2014
Willpower and faith, two key components of reaching and surpassing your goals!
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 04, 2014
Truth. I try to keep this in mind everyday. When it comes to pushing yourself, your biggest enemy is you. If you stay focused, determined and motivated, you can reach any goals that you set forth. Always push yourself to do better and be better.
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Posted by jdl7865
1 Repost Jan 03, 2014