
Comment Repost
Posted by jayecrist
0 Reposts Oct 15, 2013
No limits
Working hard to live this mantra
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Posted by jayecrist
3 Reposts Sep 01, 2013
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Posted by jayecrist
5 Reposts Aug 29, 2013
At 55 I will look great, at 60 I will look fantastic, at 65 I will look amazing, at 70 I will look awesome, at 75 I will look ******* incredible !
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Posted by jayecrist
3 Reposts Aug 26, 2013
Do what is good for your body, heart and soul. Be true to these.
Be true to you
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Posted by jayecrist
0 Reposts Aug 23, 2013
Be positive!
best training ground (and water) I have enjoyed maybe ever. Ran, swam, plyometrics every day for a week - rejuvenating!
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Posted by jayecrist
0 Reposts Aug 15, 2013
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Posted by jayecrist
0 Reposts Aug 10, 2013
YOU have to Do the work to REAP the REWARDS
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Posted by jayecrist
1 Repost Jul 09, 2013
Learn and grow, but choose wisely as not to repeat mistakes, but do take risks and step beyond your comfort zone often and enjoy the little things. They add up!
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Posted by jayecrist
5 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
One day at a time
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Posted by jayecrist
18 Reposts Jun 24, 2013
Tear down walls! No bound series!
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Posted by jayecrist
0 Reposts Jun 17, 2013
That's all ya gotta do
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Posted by jayecrist
0 Reposts Jun 12, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by jayecrist
1 Repost Jun 10, 2013
It's all about me! So I can BE form others important to ME
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Posted by jayecrist
2 Reposts Jun 07, 2013
Old School style
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Posted by jayecrist
1 Repost Jun 03, 2013
and the actions you take provide the legacy of what you accomplish!
Take care of you, so you can help others as they see fit to seek you out, but always remain humble to serve others
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Posted by jayecrist
0 Reposts May 09, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by jayecrist
2 Reposts May 05, 2013
Have the courage to follow your heart
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Posted by jayecrist
4 Reposts Apr 18, 2013