
There are many things in this world, but the one true thing that will always hold you back is yourself, never let yourself hold you back, you have a dream chase it! you live life one time, and only you get to life it, so dream big.
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Posted by jarvold
0 Reposts Mar 24, 2015
In My eyes progress is a form of perfection! get out there people I know you have what it takes, you just have to want it bad enough.
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Posted by jarvold
0 Reposts Aug 24, 2013
use a blender, add 1 cup cottage cheese, one cup egg whites( about 10 egg whites) with i would say a hand full of Dark chocolate chips, BUT! I use "mussel egg" chocolate egg whites. really good check them out. and thin add 1 cup oat meal. Blend it.
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Posted by jarvold
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
you are your won commander..
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Posted by jarvold
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
my brother and I
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Posted by jarvold
1 Repost Jun 25, 2013
YOU Have to work for it!!!! Keep moving foreword, and only look back to see How far you have come!!
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Posted by jarvold
4 Reposts Jun 23, 2013
you have to be willing to do the work..
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Posted by jarvold
0 Reposts Jun 21, 2013
its a mind set.
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Posted by jarvold
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
only you can make your self change. it starts with you..
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Posted by jarvold
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
it's not about who you are now. But who you want to be later!!!
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Posted by jarvold
1 Repost Jun 11, 2013
you will never out eat a bad Diet!
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Posted by jarvold
3 Reposts Jun 05, 2013
you have to get the spark going, and thin people not thinking you can do it is just fuel to the fire!!:) Prove them wrong. (you Got this)
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Posted by jarvold
0 Reposts May 31, 2013
the Truth! !
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Posted by jarvold
1 Repost May 31, 2013
it keeps you doing win others will stop!
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Posted by jarvold
2 Reposts May 31, 2013
I am here to lift up not brake down!
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Posted by jarvold
2 Reposts May 30, 2013
I know many people in the world that started with nothing, and made there life something, they did not get that way by sitting around, if you want something you have to go out and get it.
Comment Repost
Posted by jarvold
1 Repost May 30, 2013
there are many things in the world that will test you and push you down win you try to stand tall, but the biggest test of all to prove your self win the world dose push you down is (to stand back up against all odds)
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Posted by jarvold
0 Reposts May 30, 2013
live by this....
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Posted by jarvold
1 Repost May 29, 2013