
Comment Repost
Posted by jalyssajnava
0 Reposts Jan 04, 2014
he #lifts she #squats real couples lift together #swolemates
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Posted by jalyssajnava
13 Reposts Oct 26, 2013
get comfortable by being uncomfortable. #truth about #life #gym #motivation #higher #standards
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Posted by jalyssajnava
0 Reposts Oct 26, 2013
love this.... ihave mi order in awaiting my: [x] in the gym lifting heavy *** weights and dont got time for your ****!
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Posted by jalyssajnava
1 Repost Oct 26, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by jalyssajnava
0 Reposts Oct 25, 2013
truth about life. #prove #mf #wrong
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Posted by jalyssajnava
5 Reposts Oct 25, 2013
interest vs commitment.
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Posted by jalyssajnava
0 Reposts Oct 25, 2013