
Find something NOT to love about this photo! Yeah, I didn't think so,,,
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Posted by ironmantis
0 Reposts Feb 01, 2014
I started to count the guys ab sections, then realized I wanted to get to bed before midnight. WTF!
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Posted by ironmantis
1 Repost Jan 27, 2014
Just a little motivation on a cold wintery day!
Not sure this is a word: "WHAAAAA?????"
Why? Cause DIRTY is fun! :)
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Posted by ironmantis
0 Reposts Jan 10, 2014
Umm, my 10 year old sister has shorts in the same size. BUT, u can't deny Sergi's remarkable conditioning (...and great hair, lol!)
Ah, someone watches his diet, eh?
Some do these as a finisher for chest! Some do these as a finisher for back! AH-HUM! (Throat Clears!) And for some, it doesn't matter cuz (A) it's a great exercise and (B) it's sexy as hell!
The perfect Simean Panda with the perfect Sergi Constance. WTF!!!!!
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Posted by ironmantis
0 Reposts Dec 24, 2013
C'mon boys and girls! If this ain't motivation to better yourself than I dont know what is!
For some odd reason I feel like blowing off work and heading to the beach today!
Like 'im or hate 'im, the dude is jacked!
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Posted by ironmantis
2 Reposts Dec 05, 2013