
This was me this morning. I did NOT want to do cardio. I was tired, sore and grumpy. But I sucked it up and did it any way. I got off my *** and now I feel SO MUCH BETTER!
My son motivates me!!
Walt Disney was a Brilliant Man
Always changing, Always evolving. I may not be at my best 100% of the time, but I am human. And I am always working towards the best me.
Comment Repost
Posted by gymgirl105
1 Repost Aug 11, 2013
There are reason to work out besides just looking good!
Me hanging out with Nicole Wilkins at the NPC USAs
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Posted by gymgirl105
0 Reposts Jul 31, 2013
Sexy-Strong Stairs Workout!! Getting out and working out on this beautiful San Diego morning :)
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Posted by gymgirl105
0 Reposts Jul 13, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by gymgirl105
0 Reposts Jun 21, 2013
Fun posing before my gym opened :)
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Posted by gymgirl105
1 Repost May 19, 2013
Hey! I made a "we 'Mirin!" :)
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Posted by gymgirl105
1 Repost May 19, 2013
When I feel like off-season is going to take advantage of me, I look at this