
If the squatting bar does not bend, you ain't doing nothing.
Comment Repost
Posted by gymfr33k
0 Reposts May 11, 2014
If it takes you more than 1 trip to carry all the groceries in, you don't even lift.
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Posted by gymfr33k
0 Reposts Mar 19, 2014
Saturday morning workout. I'm in. Are you?
Comment Repost
Posted by gymfr33k
1 Repost Mar 15, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by gymfr33k
0 Reposts Mar 15, 2014
Best feeling after a good workout
Comment Repost
Posted by gymfr33k
0 Reposts Mar 15, 2014
Best Addiction Ever
Comment Repost
Posted by gymfr33k
4 Reposts Mar 15, 2014