
Happy new year to all my amazing, inspirational and not to mention smokin hot friends. I've been AWOL from here and unfortunately the gym for a little while but this is really summing up how I'm feeling right now...LETS GO 2015!!!x
Food prep ✅ Supplements ready ✅ Gym bag packed A-game ...lets do this! 💪💪
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Posted by gymbunniexox
0 Reposts May 11, 2014
Which would you rather be a or b?...I know which one I'd pick...
I think I'm in love...
Comment Repost
Posted by gymbunniexox
0 Reposts Jan 29, 2014
Who's with me?!...
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Posted by gymbunniexox
1 Repost Dec 28, 2013
Eliminate fear and you can achieve anything x
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Posted by gymbunniexox
2 Reposts Oct 30, 2013
Loving this song at the mo-how nice of Bruno Mars to write a song named after me! ; p
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Posted by gymbunniexox
0 Reposts Oct 25, 2013
This is what I feel like right now!
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Posted by gymbunniexox
1 Repost Sep 29, 2013
Here's to everyone who's ever been put down, had their heart broken, been hated on or just never felt good enough-lets show them who's boss once and for all!xx
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Posted by gymbunniexox
0 Reposts Sep 13, 2013
Truth! xx
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Posted by gymbunniexox
0 Reposts Sep 01, 2013
Wasted so much time in my life feeling insecure, unattractive, unhappy with myself and generally not worthy. I can never get those times back but I can do everything I possibly can to make the future me the best I can be : )
So true right now...
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Posted by gymbunniexox
2 Reposts Aug 08, 2013
I deserve to be better. I deserve to be better...
Comment Repost
Posted by gymbunniexox
1 Repost Jun 02, 2013
It's all about believing in yourself-if you can do that you can do anything ❤
For all you beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, fit, muscly hotties out there-YOU are beautiful-stop existing and start living!!
So true-I always put so much emphasis on losing weight for an occasion, then once it's over I feel like I have nothing to work towards when I should be working towards life!
Comment Repost
Posted by gymbunniexox
1 Repost May 06, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by gymbunniexox
1 Repost May 06, 2013
Must remember this one...keep looking forward!
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Posted by gymbunniexox
2 Reposts May 02, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by gymbunniexox
2 Reposts May 02, 2013
So true!
Comment Repost
Posted by gymbunniexox
0 Reposts May 02, 2013