
My motto. I've been faking it for years, so any day now I should make it!
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Apr 01, 2015
Best scene of the movie. Eat your heart out, Big Louie!!
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Feb 11, 2015
Not a d*** thing. Well, spiders. Maybe spiders. But other than that?
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Feb 08, 2015
I like to pick things up then put them down.
Time to put on my Big Girl Pants. Not sure if I could squeeze into those shoes, though....
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Sep 03, 2014
Must... find... motivation. Must... mind f***... brain pu$$y...
Ummmm... Thank you, sir. That means a lot coming from you.
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Posted by go4dagusto
1 Repost Jul 08, 2014
Another day closer to that Skeletor physique...
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Jul 02, 2014
You've never been more right, Skeletor.
Time to get chiseled.
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Posted by go4dagusto
2 Reposts May 15, 2014
I'm pretty sure ImReady2Change actually summoned the Power of Grayskull to forge such a perfect body banner for me. Can't thank him enough.
Finish Something.
Enough said, Skeletor. Tony Robbins has nothin' on you!
Emancipate your arms from the tyranny of sleeves!
Thanks for the great reminder, pal. We DO all matter. You matter, too, Skeletor. You matter too.
Awwww, s***! Beast Man's in Beast Mode again! Let's go get some squats and deads in before this pre-workout wears off!
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Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Feb 18, 2014
Right on, Skeletor! You think the sniffles are gonna get me down? Not with a friend like you around!
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Posted by go4dagusto
1 Repost Feb 11, 2014
**** right, Skeletor.
You gettin' cocky, He-Man? That's why I prefer Skeletor these days. Humility.
That's right, Skeletor. Let it all out, buddy. In with the good air, out with the bad.
Right on the money again. I love you, Skeletor.
Gym time, Skeletor. By the power of Grayskull, let's make some GAAIIINS!!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by go4dagusto
0 Reposts Feb 01, 2014