
Train Willpower like you train your body
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Posted by gibsonma09
1 Repost Aug 03, 2015
What I think about when I decide on my friend group...
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Posted by gibsonma09
2 Reposts Jul 30, 2015
Some people want it and do whatever it takes to achieve it. Other people "kinda' want it and never see the finish line. Let me ask you this, do you want it?
Haters Have No Say
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Posted by gibsonma09
1 Repost Mar 18, 2015
Health isn't about cutting, its about increasing potential, mood, fitness, nutrition, motivation, self esteem, and drive
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Posted by gibsonma09
1 Repost Feb 11, 2014
Stop at the right moment
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Posted by gibsonma09
1 Repost Jan 08, 2014
Every part of the journey adds to the adventure that it is
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Posted by gibsonma09
1 Repost Jan 08, 2014