
hmmmm not there yet lol
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Feb 26, 2016
that's my plan
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Feb 26, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 26, 2015
I do try to be a good boy ;)
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 24, 2015
pleaseeee santa
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 24, 2015
this goes out to all of my wonderful friends on here
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Dec 12, 2015
happy Thanksgiving fit family have a great day
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Nov 26, 2015
happy thanks giving to everyone of you fit fam
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Nov 26, 2015
The good old days before old age started setting in lol my knee's make all these noises now :(
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Posted by getFITbefore40
1 Repost Nov 10, 2015
boys will be boys .......and men still wish they were boys .....we could get away with more then lol
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Oct 29, 2015
don't forget how important good form is
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Oct 01, 2015
true .......but so wrong
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Sep 25, 2015
be nice to get back to just under 11stone and then slowly put weight back on via muscle and not fat this time . so about 9 - 10 pound to lose
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Sep 13, 2015
hmmmm just need the s-x now lol can have the other two anytime lol
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Posted by getFITbefore40
1 Repost Sep 13, 2015
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Posted by getFITbefore40
0 Reposts Sep 10, 2015
New Diet
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Posted by getFITbefore40
1 Repost Sep 06, 2015