
Don't tell me you don't do it!!!
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Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Jun 11, 2014
Wolverine: "Who needs claws, when you look like this!" Let's Get it!
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Posted by genasco
0 Reposts May 24, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
0 Reposts May 07, 2014
2nd Tough Mudder down. Now on to the next Spartan Race (#2).
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Posted by genasco
0 Reposts May 01, 2014
As a tough mudder I pledge that .. I understand that Tough Mudder is not a race but a challenge. I put teamwork and camaraderie before my course time. I do not whine – kids whine. I help my fellow mudders complete the course. I overcom
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Posted by genasco
2 Reposts Apr 26, 2014
Go Hard. You know you're committed when everything around you doubles as workout equipment. But get a good workout without tearing up all your furniture ... P.S. Mimi Faust must use the same trainer.... LoL (had to say it)
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
1 Repost Apr 16, 2014
My Hitta ... ISYMFS
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Posted by genasco
1 Repost Apr 14, 2014
I still want to be that "faster than a speeding bullet", "more powerful than a locomotive", "able to leap tall buildings in a single bound" mofo ... Hey ... reach for stars fall on the moon. -"Where's my theme music?"
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
1 Repost Apr 11, 2014
Make it do what it do ....
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Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2014
Want gains. Put another plate on there ... and start lifting!
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Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Apr 04, 2014
Be like God. Become a god among men.
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Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Apr 04, 2014
I'll take on that challenge. Here's to no Limits. Cheers!!!
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Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Apr 01, 2014
Now thats results! No tears here!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Mar 27, 2014
Get Angry. Then Hulk out!!
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Mar 27, 2014
Motivation. Women make a brother want to get in shape when they looking better than we are. #StepYourGameUpBro
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Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Mar 19, 2014
I'm coming to get ya!!
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Mar 17, 2014
What hard work will do for you. Too funny!!
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Mar 13, 2014
This is how I talk to myself when Iift. Go hard on em!!
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Mar 12, 2014
Mind over matter .... my friend.
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
1 Repost Mar 07, 2014
Talk about a bikini line!
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Feb 27, 2014
You're either a part of the pride or you're prey...
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
2 Reposts Feb 27, 2014
Everytime I see a fit woman. It makes me want to work harder. Motivation!!! Thank you ladies!
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Feb 26, 2014
No Fear!!
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
0 Reposts Feb 25, 2014
My Worst Enemy stands before me. I cannot be defeated. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by genasco
1 Repost Feb 24, 2014