
"Rest" muscle... LOL!
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Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Jun 01, 2015
No excuses. Go for it!
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Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts May 23, 2015
Yes, we can...
Comment Repost
Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts May 18, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts May 14, 2015
Simply true
Comment Repost
Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Nov 15, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Nov 10, 2014
Help me or out of my sight
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Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Mar 29, 2014
Simply true...
Comment Repost
Posted by fuikadiaz
1 Repost Mar 22, 2014
The bigger ... the better! LOL!
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Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Mar 08, 2014
No need to say anything more ...
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Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Feb 22, 2014
You do it yourself, never wait for anyone
"Try" is for weak people. If your mind is strong, your muscles will do it!
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Posted by fuikadiaz
1 Repost Feb 12, 2014
No one said the road would be easy. There is no obstacles for the champions! Big Lou!
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Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Feb 11, 2014
Lou, my inspiration.
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Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Feb 10, 2014
May the force be with you! Light weight, baby!
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Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Feb 04, 2014
I am only thinking about first place... and you? At gym, always I am the best bodybuilder...
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Posted by fuikadiaz
0 Reposts Feb 03, 2014
A good job has this side effects... be calm
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Posted by fuikadiaz
4 Reposts Jan 30, 2014
Excuses is for losers
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Posted by fuikadiaz
2 Reposts Jan 28, 2014
No excuses!
My favorite antidepressant ... :-D
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Posted by fuikadiaz
1 Repost Dec 15, 2013
The bible of bodybuilding
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Posted by fuikadiaz
4 Reposts Sep 09, 2013