
Therefore, neither am I.
Workin' the lumps every day.
I have some major work to do to meet some major goals this year! I work well with a deadline, but the journey won't stop there;-) Thank you @cpope32!
@Walkinpeace Congrats on winning the Fall 2014 Gluteus Maximus Challenge! Tied for second: @glap1950 and @Bakerygirl . Honorable mention to @RWood76 for enthusiasm! @Walkinpeace steal this badge! Nikki Walter will send you booty shorts!
#glutesmax Flash Challenge: Two For Tuesday 2 sets 50 split squats each leg 30 pounds dead
Maximizers! #Glutesmax Week 4 Flash Challenge 1 Complete:-)
Week One Challenge: The 300 (better late than never)
#glutesmax #goalgestalt #bumbeforeandafter From fluffy and misshapen to round and rock hard. But 2" smaller please. Join the challenge or Bodygroup anytime!
Comment Repost
Posted by foxinsocks
0 Reposts Oct 22, 2014
Real men develop strong glutes. Join the Challenge or Bodygroup anytime!
The Gluteus Maximus Challenge begins today! If you're not registered, there's time. We accept entrant during the entire challenge; remember, the contest is judged on most improved so the longer wait, the less time to make changes.
Join our BodyGroup:
Glutes aren't just for decoration. Join the Gluteus Maximus Bodygoup and join the Challenge Oct. 20th - Nov. 16th! Maximize your potential.
Registration is open! Go to our Bodygroup to enter. This is a fun comp. that will easily fit in with your own workout plan or even another contest. Don't minimize, MAXIMIZE! Go to: Round 2; photo and measurements. http://forum.bodybuilding
Registration begins Monday, October 13th Join our Bodygroup at to begin your journey toward a Happier Hump Day.
It takes sisu. Guts. I'm half Finn, I've got some...
Hail to the #GlutesMax
Comment Repost
Posted by foxinsocks
1 Repost Aug 08, 2014
Be. Go. Laugh. Dance. March. And...sounds like the makings of a spectacular and authentic existence. Feeling raw today. Gonna use this to find some edge in my lifting again, and the I will work on the above agenda, starting with "Be".
Gluteus Maximizer Challenge...Final Week!
Comment Repost
Posted by foxinsocks
0 Reposts Aug 07, 2014
Attention SHE-GLUTERS....
The 5 Glute Commandments.
Gluteus Maximizers!
Comment Repost
Posted by foxinsocks
0 Reposts Jul 15, 2014
Maximizers: "Ben always reminded me that we each contain all the nobler and meaner aspects of humanity, but some get a bigger dose than others of one thing or another." We create our Superglutes.
Be a Maximizer. Don't be a Minimizer. Glutes offering Glutes support....
Comment Repost
Posted by foxinsocks
2 Reposts Jul 11, 2014