
We are so tough and critical of ourselves that sometimes we forget to appreciate what we already have and how far we've come. Loving & caring for others starts by loving & taking care of ourselves
Don't get disheartened or give up! Each day, each moment is a another chance to get started or keep going
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Posted by evedawes
0 Reposts Feb 08, 2015
Work harder, be stronger, be better, be the best you can be
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Posted by evedawes
0 Reposts May 28, 2014
James Grage has an amazing story to tell! Your mind is your most powerful tool, use it to push past the boundaries rather than preventing you from reaching for your goals and dreams. No Fear!
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Posted by evedawes
0 Reposts Mar 26, 2014
Gandhi knows what he's talking about!
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Posted by evedawes
0 Reposts Mar 17, 2014
There are NO limits
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Posted by evedawes
2 Reposts Mar 11, 2014
Life's too short to not be maximized in every area of our lifes
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Posted by evedawes
0 Reposts Mar 11, 2014
Make your goal an overwhelming desire that is too painful NOT to pursue! #Labrada #leanbodyforher
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Posted by evedawes
3 Reposts Feb 26, 2014
Love this sign. Never take for granted the things many others can't do & the beautiful gift of life, energy, strength, will, being able to help others and having unlimited potential to always be better. Corporate Headquarters.
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Posted by evedawes
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013