
Talking myself into Squats tonight.
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Jan 13, 2017
Aww yeah - like a BOSS
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
1 Repost Nov 27, 2013
I'm in a state of metamorphosis.
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
1 Repost Nov 11, 2013
Aiming to enjoy health, strength and vitality when I'm an old bag ;0D
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
1 Repost Nov 11, 2013
OMG I've got a fair way to go before I can squat that much...
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
Working... Please wait.
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Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
Except I drool more ;0P
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Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
My life :0)
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Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
Mines a bit in the OTHER direction, but I'm working on it ;0)
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
I thought I could, I thought I could...
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
Look at him go, he's loving it :0D
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
What do we want?
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Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
Its the little things that count too.
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
For gods is good...
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
Be good or be good at it ;0)
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 08, 2013
OK, I'm a bit obsessed with having abs ;0)
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 08, 2013
Loving her abs, she's just a little bit AWESOME.
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
1 Repost Nov 08, 2013
Baaa Humbug
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Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 08, 2013
True ****
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 08, 2013
I said CHANGE *****!
Comment Repost
Posted by dynz0r
0 Reposts Nov 07, 2013