
This is what 60+ years old can look like! J. K. Simmons is so ripped and swole, it would take me another decade to match him!
Choose your power.
This a truth for any of life's endeavors: fitness, work, relationships. Fate is a false idea.
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Posted by cyclist591
0 Reposts Feb 09, 2016
Fear = perspective
Assume the best of others and you will be happier.
It's not locked, just grab handle open.
This is what is about. Let's keep it going!
Ouch! I have the spines in my glutes to prove I must be less negative.
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Posted by cyclist591
0 Reposts Aug 27, 2015
I've got to develop more effective negativity filters!
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Posted by cyclist591
2 Reposts Aug 26, 2015
Through the hard lessons in my many years, I have learned that I am happier when I follow my passions. We all may settle sometimes, but will feel greater satisfaction when our accomplishments and aligned with our passions.
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Posted by cyclist591
0 Reposts May 13, 2014
I really need to act on my own nagging of friends.
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Posted by cyclist591
2 Reposts May 06, 2014
I thought there was something fishy about all those nasty thoughts wandering through my head! To paraphrase Lady Macbeth, "Out! Out! **** thought!"
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Posted by cyclist591
1 Repost Apr 17, 2014
I think this is attributed to Zig Ziglar.
Please don't assume you know someone, unless you REALLY do. Even while correcting them, be respectful, kind, realistic, practical, and supportive.
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Posted by cyclist591
0 Reposts Apr 02, 2014
When someone criticizes you unkindly, be assured that their assessment is based on crap in their own life and their own blurred views of the little slice of your life you allow them to see. Just feel pity for them, not anger.
I am exhausted.
When you have as much "PAST" as I do, you gotta live by this principle.
Comment Repost
Posted by cyclist591
0 Reposts Mar 23, 2014
Here's the physique I'd like to achieve, if it's not too late and if my genetics will cooperate. Craig Horner (Legend of the Seeker UK series)