
Comment Repost
Posted by cmnorthern
2 Reposts May 19, 2014
The moment you stop and realize that merely wanting something is not going to get you anywhere. Hard work is the only way.
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Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts May 19, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by cmnorthern
1 Repost May 14, 2014
Here's to always turning down offers to go out with your friends, days I don't feel like going to they gym, and still going anyways. Here's to the results I love.
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Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts Feb 27, 2014
I've learned...
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Posted by cmnorthern
1 Repost Jul 23, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by cmnorthern
3 Reposts Jun 27, 2013
Morning Motivation from Instagram.
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Posted by cmnorthern
1 Repost Jun 26, 2013
Isn't this true we all get beat up and down on ourselves but it is important to NEVER QUIT. It won't always be easy but It will Always be worth it.
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Posted by cmnorthern
2 Reposts Jun 26, 2013
That's right, SWEAT and then SWEAT a little more.
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Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts Jun 25, 2013
People who think this are Haters!
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Posted by cmnorthern
9 Reposts Jun 25, 2013
My grandma always said, Life is what you make it. Your choices determine the chances you will get to take.
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Posted by cmnorthern
1 Repost Jun 25, 2013
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Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts Jun 21, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
My motivation pics and quotes
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Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
I hear this all the time from people. Guess what we make time for the things we want. If you want to be healthy and have the body you want. MAKE TIME!
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Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
Lifting weights make women huge.... NOT!
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Posted by cmnorthern
1 Repost Jun 19, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
You do earn it!
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Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
I have to ask myself this everytime I don't feel like working out. I know I can, it is the will to do it that gets hard.
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Posted by cmnorthern
0 Reposts Jun 05, 2013