
You feel like stopping, but you don't.
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Posted by climberchris
0 Reposts Nov 22, 2013
Endure. This could be your workout, your diet, your training or life. Very much like the finnish word sisu.
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Posted by climberchris
0 Reposts Oct 26, 2013
It is hard to stay unhappy and hard to make a change. I challenge you to make the leap!
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Posted by climberchris
0 Reposts Oct 23, 2013
Be someone's inspiration.
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Posted by climberchris
1 Repost Oct 22, 2013
When you are hungry you will want to eat junk. Have a plan so you don't buy crap.
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Posted by climberchris
1 Repost Oct 21, 2013
You can continue to do the same things you've been doing and you will continue to look the same - OR - you can make a change!
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Posted by climberchris
2 Reposts Oct 18, 2013
Ladies - lift and look incredible.
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Posted by climberchris
1 Repost Oct 15, 2013
The caption is so true!
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Posted by climberchris
4 Reposts Oct 13, 2013
Lean out and lift - you will like the results.
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Posted by climberchris
0 Reposts Oct 13, 2013
Yes you can.
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Posted by climberchris
0 Reposts Oct 13, 2013
Don't quit.
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Posted by climberchris
2 Reposts Oct 04, 2013
Look at the scale but do not loose sight of the big picture.
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Posted by climberchris
1 Repost Oct 04, 2013
The scale can give you a reference point to judge if what you are doing it working.
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Posted by climberchris
0 Reposts Oct 04, 2013
Let's use the numbers to guide us down the road to the physique we would like to have, not to establish self worth.
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Posted by climberchris
0 Reposts Oct 04, 2013
Life needs balance.
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Posted by climberchris
2 Reposts Oct 04, 2013
Make working out your habit.
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Posted by climberchris
1 Repost Oct 03, 2013
Start. Make fit happen. Take before pictures and keep a workout and food log and take pictures along the way. You will have documentation for what works. You will be proud and amazed. Be the experiment of 1.
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Posted by climberchris
2 Reposts Oct 02, 2013
You've gained weight/aren't in the shape you want to be in b/c: work, school, friends and family, travel, kids, your schedule, not enough time, not enough money, don't know how to change - but other regular people have done it - you can do it too.
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Posted by climberchris
2 Reposts Oct 01, 2013
Keep at it, no one starts out where they want to be.
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Posted by climberchris
2 Reposts Oct 01, 2013
Skipping pizza sucks, skipping ice cream sucks, planning out your meals sucks, carrying food with you suck and working out is a ***** - day after day - but, it is worth it.
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Posted by climberchris
1 Repost Oct 01, 2013
Never quit.
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Posted by climberchris
0 Reposts Oct 01, 2013
Without struggle there is no progress.
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Posted by climberchris
0 Reposts Sep 04, 2013
Running is a gift!