
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
1 Repost May 10, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
5 Reposts May 05, 2014
Hit it hard, its Saturday!!
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
1 Repost May 04, 2014
What are your goals? If you don't know, make some!
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
1 Repost Apr 17, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
0 Reposts Apr 14, 2014
This separates the committed from the non-committed!!
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
5 Reposts Apr 14, 2014
The 12 week transformation may be over, but that isn't the end, its only the beginning!!
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Posted by c2forlife
0 Reposts Apr 09, 2014
Pretty much sums up my last 3 months!
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Posted by c2forlife
3 Reposts Apr 05, 2014
Make today count everyone!!!
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Posted by c2forlife
0 Reposts Apr 03, 2014
Last week of the 2014 Transformation Challenge, time to turn this On!!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
1 Repost Apr 01, 2014
By changing our nutrition and fitness we are making our lives better!!
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Posted by c2forlife
1 Repost Mar 30, 2014
Never, never give up!!
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Posted by c2forlife
2 Reposts Mar 27, 2014
Don't give up!!
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Posted by c2forlife
0 Reposts Mar 26, 2014
As Kris Gethin would say "Control Your Environment"
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Posted by c2forlife
0 Reposts Mar 20, 2014
Happy St. Patricks Day!!
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Posted by c2forlife
0 Reposts Mar 17, 2014
Its Monday baby!!!! Here we GO!
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
2 Reposts Mar 17, 2014
You are the only person who has to look yourself in the mirror each and every day. If you aren't seeing changes, change what you are doing!
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
4 Reposts Mar 03, 2014
Consistency, Consistency, Consistency
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
0 Reposts Mar 02, 2014
What bodyfat percentage are you? Very interesting I think.
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
1 Repost Feb 20, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by c2forlife
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2013