
Comment Repost
Posted by bjjchamp
0 Reposts Feb 12, 2014
Make friends, but always be okay with being by yourself. Being your own motivation and inspiration is empowering and will take you far on your fitness journey. People come and go, but one person you will never lose is YOURSELF!
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Posted by bjjchamp
0 Reposts Jan 31, 2014
Cheers to Everyone in the 100k 2014 Challenge
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Posted by bjjchamp
1 Repost Jan 15, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by bjjchamp
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by bjjchamp
1 Repost Jul 14, 2013
The secret!
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Posted by bjjchamp
2 Reposts Jul 10, 2013
Everyday the gym is still just as hard, but noticing strength and aesthetic gains is all worth it.
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Posted by bjjchamp
0 Reposts Apr 30, 2013
One day, I will look like this!
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Posted by bjjchamp
1 Repost Apr 18, 2013
Apply this to the gym and your diet. Don't think about it, be about it!
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Posted by bjjchamp
2 Reposts Apr 12, 2013
Which one are you?
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Posted by bjjchamp
1 Repost Apr 09, 2013
it's hard to change your lifestyle, but if you keep trying eventually you will succeed
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Posted by bjjchamp
0 Reposts Apr 05, 2013
A lot of people complain about not seeing results as quick as they like. This is what I tell them...
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Posted by bjjchamp
1 Repost Apr 04, 2013
I try to do all of this every day. It get's easier as the days go on.
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Posted by bjjchamp
0 Reposts Apr 04, 2013