
Comment Repost
Posted by bb24
1 Repost Nov 30, 2014
Very well said! We focus so much on making sure we meet stupid, arbitrarily set societal standards when we should just be what and who we want. Quit letting others control your destiny!
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Nov 30, 2014
My greatest achievement in life would be for my daughters to be able to say this about me.
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Posted by bb24
2 Reposts Jul 07, 2014
If I were to tell people what I thought the perfect build was and what I aspire to achieve, this would be it: Lean, muscular, and athletic. Extra mass is not important to me; being able to move, compete, and be healthy/fit for my children are.
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Jun 03, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Apr 04, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by bb24
1 Repost Feb 27, 2014
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Jan 20, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by bb24
1 Repost Dec 15, 2013
Why are all the most beneficial things in life the most challenging and stressful?
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Posted by bb24
1 Repost Oct 27, 2013
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Posted by bb24
2 Reposts Oct 16, 2013
Forget what others think and say!
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Oct 12, 2013
That is one hell of a V!
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Oct 08, 2013
I may never look like this guy, but I can still earn my body.
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Sep 25, 2013
A daily struggle for me.
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Sep 15, 2013
This guy 1) has incredible faith in God, 2) has worked amazingly hard and is dedicated to his passions, and 3) does not use supplements and chemicals that I can't even pronounce. An inspiration to the core!
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Aug 31, 2013
I know I"ll never be as bulky as this guy, but I'd love to have a similar build...and to make spandex look good. Yeah, I wanna do that.
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Aug 31, 2013
Nice pose and this guy is built the same way I want to be. A great lean body with defined muscles.
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Posted by bb24
0 Reposts Aug 03, 2013
You've seen the 70/30 split posters for diet and exercise, right? Well, let's face it, folks, it takes 100% of each (and I would even add 100% mental, which includes enough sleep and rest) in order to make progress.
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Posted by bb24
1 Repost Jul 31, 2013
Sometimes, we just have to take a leap of faith and hope for the best. What do we have to lose?
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Posted by bb24
1 Repost Jul 29, 2013