
By the end of 2014/start of 2015 i WILL be fit enough to undertake fitness test to become part of the Australian Army! You can be whoever and whatever you want! :)
Just remember you mind quits before your body ever will. When working out and you are in pain take a second to clear your head and say 'this doesn't hurt'. It tricks my mind and i push through my limits :)
To all the people who said you can't do it or to the people who doubt you. To the people who are mean to you and say horrible things. Its time to stand up and prove the doubters and the dream ruiners, the nasty strangers and the fake friends wrong!
Don't give up! Your mind is the first one to bail when things get tough. Keep pushing! Mind over matter!
Anyone else have this feeling after leg day? Hahaha
it is important to have goals, what are yours? My goal is to be fit and healthy enough to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge. P.s I took this beautiful photo today :)
Burnt 1177 calories today. Super proud! Never EVER give up! And remember "don't stop when you get sore, stop when you're finished."
No negatrons allowed, positive people only!
Every time I go to the shops I remind myself of this. It helps me stay away from the naughty aisles!
Once it's gone, it's never coming back!
Go hard or go home!
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Posted by ashleighkate
1 Repost Jan 14, 2014
Be the author of your own story. Be proud to be who you are :)
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Posted by ashleighkate
0 Reposts Jan 12, 2014
Out with the negative, in with the positive! 2014, time to take control! #100kreasons
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Posted by ashleighkate
0 Reposts Jan 12, 2014
Don't let failure beat you! Keep going and be who you always wanted to be :)
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Posted by ashleighkate
1 Repost Jan 10, 2014