
Keep moving forward
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Posted by ammonblack
1 Repost Jan 19, 2014
The Mind is the battleground
My Ladder
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Posted by ammonblack
0 Reposts Jan 03, 2014
Easy way out....Never heard of it. ;-)
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Posted by ammonblack
0 Reposts Dec 20, 2013
Everyone has failures, what you do after your fail is what sets you apart. Pick yourself up, regroup, move forward.
Stop wishing, start doing! Don't let past failures stand in the way of your dreams! Start today, not tomorrow!
Live Life Like You Were Dyin, By Axis Labs Athlete Josh Black
Comment Repost
Posted by ammonblack
0 Reposts Nov 22, 2013
Dedication, commitment, Sacrifice, and Will! Good morning everyone! Go out and conquer this day!
Chance of a Lifetime! My Experience at headquarters, by Axis Labs Athlete Josh Black
Comment Repost
Posted by ammonblack
0 Reposts Nov 12, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by ammonblack
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013