
:) So many people think strong women are not beautiful but I disagree.
Comment Repost
Posted by amk20
0 Reposts Apr 14, 2013
Never thought about it this way before. Makes it seem more achievable this way :)
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Posted by amk20
2 Reposts Apr 14, 2013
Haha.This is how I feel right now!
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Posted by amk20
2 Reposts Apr 14, 2013
This shall be me this week
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Posted by amk20
0 Reposts Apr 14, 2013
Truer words have never been spoken...
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Posted by amk20
0 Reposts Apr 14, 2013
Will do
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Posted by amk20
0 Reposts Apr 14, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by amk20
0 Reposts Apr 14, 2013
"Need to stop panicking, it will be ok :)" This is good to know since when I work out I usually gain weight.
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Posted by amk20
1 Repost Apr 14, 2013
Done! :)
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Posted by amk20
0 Reposts Apr 14, 2013
I should start doing this..then I would be really fit!hah
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Posted by amk20
1 Repost Apr 14, 2013