
I was paralyzed from the waist down & diagnosed to never walk my pain level was severe and debilitating..I was sitting in my car out side the gym wondering if I could or if I should train.I stepped out, stood up walked in and trained
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Posted by ahero4all
2 Reposts Dec 04, 2013
Being a Gentleman truly is a matter of choice...Treat others with respect and live life by the Golden rule.. Smile, lead by example and ALWAYS BE Chivalrous... open those doors for the ladies!
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Posted by ahero4all
10 Reposts Oct 29, 2013
Paralyzed from the waist down in 95...quit making excuses in 2010, action speaks louder than words in 2013! Be the change you want to see!
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Posted by ahero4all
2 Reposts Oct 29, 2013
Cheers to all of us here on inspiring each other!
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Posted by ahero4all
2 Reposts Oct 29, 2013
Reflecting on a well built physique...Only hard work earns it...No Money can buy it, you can not inherit it, you can not borrow it, you can not steal it. It shows dedication, self discipline & respect for oneself..It exudes dignity to me....
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Posted by ahero4all
0 Reposts Oct 26, 2013