
I used to be guilty of this, except it should say, "stop saying Monday". If I messed up on my diet on Wednesday, I would consider that week wrecked and eat like crap until the next Monday. Now if I make a mistake, I don't beat myself up over it :)
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Posted by aburris23
3 Reposts Jun 26, 2014
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Posted by aburris23
4 Reposts Jun 10, 2014
Oh my gosh this is perfect lol. Squats have changed my life!
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Posted by aburris23
0 Reposts Jun 09, 2014
You only get one body! Take care of it :)
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Posted by aburris23
0 Reposts Jun 04, 2014
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Posted by aburris23
0 Reposts Jun 03, 2014
You get out of it what you put into it :)
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Posted by aburris23
0 Reposts Jun 01, 2014
I actually have this taped to my mirror because it really inspired me :)
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Posted by aburris23
3 Reposts Jun 01, 2014
Can I get an amen?! I try to remember this whenever I see sweets. (My weakness) It might taste good, but as soon as the taste is gone the guilt sets in!
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Posted by aburris23
0 Reposts May 29, 2014
This puts things into perspective!
I keep having to remind myself to take this journey one day at a time. Progress will come if I keep at it :)
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Posted by aburris23
0 Reposts May 21, 2014
Patients is the biggest thing for me. I need more of that!
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Posted by aburris23
0 Reposts May 14, 2014
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Posted by aburris23
0 Reposts May 13, 2014
This is so true. As soon as your tell yourself you are capable of anything, everything about your workout, mood, and lifestyle can change!
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Posted by aburris23
2 Reposts May 12, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by aburris23
0 Reposts May 12, 2014