
The Big Tiger is focused and fighting! Strong, Solid, and Sexy in 2020!
Last month of 2018, people! Crush those goals!
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Dec 02, 2018
Strong! Solid! Sexy! Hey, a Tiger's got to have goals, right?
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Sep 24, 2018
I am the Big Tiger, hear me roar! Let's Do This!
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Jan 01, 2018
My desktop image for the year. It has lifted my day many times when I was so down I didn't even want to crank out some push-ups. Let the Beast Out!
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts May 11, 2016
I'm going to do this next Christmas for my wife. Just have to find a way to do it where the kids won't be watching her unwrap me, ha ha. (Also going to need a very brave friend to help apply the wrapping, because I want to go head-to-toe.)
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Dec 27, 2015
I lasted four minutes this past summer. But he got up and moved before blood was shed.
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Oct 12, 2015
I've been guilty before ... but never again!
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Jun 26, 2015
Pretty much.
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts May 25, 2015
Just plain beautiful.
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Dec 15, 2014
Bowflex takes a lot of heat from its critics, but they know how to find the inspiring demonstration models!
Waiting one's turn backstage for a competition can be mental torture. But those of us watching don't mind.
The lean cutting here borders on astounding.
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Oct 28, 2014
"Stopping by Woods on a Sexy Evening" by Robert Frost.
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Oct 23, 2014
That's gonna itch later., even if it looks good now.
Taking the locker room by storm!
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Posted by abodyinprogress
1 Repost Sep 26, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Sep 23, 2014
Holy cow! That arm is a deadly weapon!
A living sculpture! Wow!
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Posted by abodyinprogress
1 Repost Sep 05, 2014
This one is on my refrigerator, to get my attention before I eat something that would detract from my goals.
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Posted by abodyinprogress
2 Reposts Sep 04, 2014
This is how you distract motorists.
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Aug 31, 2014
Wow. Great stuff from head to toe, and the blue background really makes it all pop out.
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Aug 28, 2014
James Ellis, strutting it up on the beach during the sun's "golden hour".
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Posted by abodyinprogress
0 Reposts Aug 27, 2014
Muscle model Damon Danilo. Fantastic torso.
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Posted by abodyinprogress
1 Repost Aug 27, 2014