
Literally how i've been feeling daily - praying for Vegas <3
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Oct 02, 2017
Was not feeling the cardio today at all, but pushed through it to get my blood flowing to prevent soreness tomorrow.
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Mar 12, 2016
leg day .... me tomorrow crying everywhere i'll need to walk or sit or do anything that requires movement
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2016
feels like jaw day everyday at 24 hr. thank God my head phones reach a "i can't hear jaw day level". ahahahahahahah
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Sep 15, 2015
my gym level motivation for today and of course its leg day
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Aug 04, 2015
1st time ive been injured at the gym. figured i'd finish what i started since i was already there. if i was a marine or in service i couldnt back down. had the best chest & tricep day. blood or shine, push through ps sorry 24 hr about the towel
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Jul 12, 2015
effort and motivation is in all shapes and sizes.
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Jul 10, 2015
moto to live - live through the pain to reap the gains.
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Posted by Yalda2012
2 Reposts Jul 06, 2015
pipsqueaks need weights too!!!
muscle def progress and a nosy minion
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Jul 17, 2014
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Jul 07, 2014
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Jul 07, 2014
this was me leaving the gym yesterday
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts May 30, 2014
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Posted by Yalda2012
0 Reposts Aug 18, 2013