
why is i so tired today??? today is lift day, but i feel like above!
Have to remind myself of this more often than I'd like. The inches I've lost say more about where I am than the number on my scale.
Showed up at our Phoenix office this morning, ran into a gal I worked on a project with last year. We're talking and she stops and whispers "have you lost weight or something? Because you look GOOD!" YESSS!!!!
What do YOU fight for?
Comment Repost
Posted by Tpocalicious
0 Reposts Jan 22, 2017
**** straight!
Happy Saturday Morning, Fit Fam! :^D
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Posted by Tpocalicious
0 Reposts Jan 21, 2017
Fun week! Let's GET it, Fit Fam!! :^D #reprecap
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Posted by Tpocalicious
0 Reposts Jan 17, 2017
Totally eat and train, kick diet and exercise to the curb!
Yes, yes I will. Cardio day is tomorrow. . . anyone else going to be outrunning zombies, Fit Fam? :^D (Even though they'd probably die all over again if we stopped and flexed at them, right? ;^)
Got home after an awesome-yet-arse-kicking workout to find a package from my lifting coach waiting for me! SQUEE!!!!! I LOVE MY SHULKIE!!! THANK YOU, @adriannec!!!! (Um, and I totally earned her today with that lower body workout! #justsayin'!)
Frickin' love this!!! #noexcuses #isymfs
Comment Repost
Posted by Tpocalicious
1 Repost Jan 14, 2017
Sweet dreams, Fit Fam! Get ready to hit it hard tomorrow. . . and May we all be determined AND satisfied! :^)
Man, I'd download that app in a HEARTBEAT! TERRY FRICKIN' CREWS, PEOPLE!!!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Tpocalicious
0 Reposts Jan 10, 2017
It's a great day, Fit Fam! Go get it!! :^D
YES! Got my #RepRecap today! :^D Overall, a solid week!
Have a great evening, Fit Fam! :^) See you tomorrow in the weight room!
Comment Repost
Posted by Tpocalicious
0 Reposts Jan 09, 2017
I finally found my hometown dungeon!!!! SOOH happy I finally get to do my weight workouts in a place that actually FEELS like a weight-workout gym!
Get your head in the game.
Comment Repost
Posted by Tpocalicious
1 Repost Jan 06, 2017
Are you interested, or committed?
Comment Repost
Posted by Tpocalicious
2 Reposts Jan 06, 2017
That was one hell of a week, indeed! So excited I got my email!!! :^D
Great advice to keep in mind on this first day of the New Year: respect your goal!
It's coming. . .
Comment Repost
Posted by Tpocalicious
0 Reposts Jan 01, 2017
OMG I got my email!!! #REPRECAP