
Be fierce . . . go after it & own it! No one is going to hand it to you & it won't always be easy. Be fierce & it will be yours . . . xo
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Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Jun 10, 2015
I am more than just the product of food & training. My results come as much from my emotional & spiritual wellbeing as they do from what I do physically. Do what you love & the results will come. What is in your heart trumps all, xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Jun 10, 2015
Transitioning from an intense 4 years of consistent training & prepping for competition has not been easy, but it has been worth it! Hitting PR's consistently, gaining strength & having greater confidence in what I can achieve next! xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts May 28, 2015
Off-Season, NOT stage lean, 5 months post-competition . . . I'm okay with this. This photo shoot was empowering for this single Mum of 3 . . . strong & happy IS sexy . . . own it ladies xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts May 19, 2015
Never did a photo shoot where I wasn't stage lean. This is my latest shoot, I'm 5 months post-comp & simply loving the BB "Lifestyle." No pressure to get stage ready for now. These days I'm simply Mum xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts May 15, 2015
Thats a wrap folks! First time ever that I've done a photo shoot in the off-season . . . was both intimidating & empowering. Happy Mother's Day to all you "Iron Moms" out there xo
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Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts May 09, 2015
Happy "Hump Day" Ya'll . . . make sure to get your proteins ; )
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Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2015
Do not underestimate me. If you challenge me I will accept. I may not look as though I have great strength & power or the muscle mass to make my heavier lifts . . . BUT . . . never discount my will, determination & indomitable spirit! xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
16 days . . . 16 days?!? I've gone from counting weeks to days . . . this is one type of "transition" I can get a little over excited about . . . 16 DAYS!!! xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Feb 28, 2015
Yes I've been a little MIA on here lately. Been spending time in Aussie snorkelling the GBR & relaxing into the bodybuilding lifestyle while I decide when, where . . . if I want to compete next! xo
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Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Feb 18, 2015
Happy New Year . . . read more about me here: Copy & paste in your browser to follow my blog & find what I'm up to . . . xo
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Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Jan 01, 2015
The shirt says it all . . . NEVER QUIT! Don't make 2015 the "YEAR" that counts. Make every single day count . . . & that right there will accumulate into what can only be a SPECTACULAR & FULL year! Happy New Year y'all!!! xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Dec 31, 2014
I'm now into an indefinite off-season however, but keeping it all in check. This is a lifestyle for me not a series of short term goals! So yes, I did enjoy the holidays with my children, but while keeping it real & being mindful . . . xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Dec 28, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Nov 18, 2014
It's Friday y'all, in NZ it is anyway, & that means 1 week closer to NAC Universe's in Hamburg . . . EEEK! LET'S DO THIS . . . xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Oct 30, 2014
You will fall down . . . GET UP! You will endure pain . . . PUSH THROUGH IT! You will feel like quitting . . . remind yourself why you started in the first place . . . xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Oct 06, 2014
At the end of the day my favourite night is "date night" with my children, because without them none of this . . . training, dieting, competing, syncing schedules . . . would matter a **** bit. It's my kids who keep me grounded, focused & REAL! xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Sep 30, 2014
Sometimes the greatest clarity comes not from what you are hearing from others, but what you hear in those moments of being alone & listening to your own soul . . . xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Sep 03, 2014
Train hard this weekend & keep grinding it out ya'll . . . love, Tonya xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Aug 30, 2014
Family First! Yes I'm a competitor & training is a big focus HOWEVER, my children R my priority. Today is my son's 16th Birthday & it's "bring on Beast Mode" as I've turned into the Kitchen Ninja to whip up whatever his heart desires xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Jul 19, 2014
It's Monday . . . don't hit snooze . . . hit the ground running! Grind it out this week peeps! xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts May 19, 2014
Sunday is MY day off of training but it's when I finish up any remaining client queries & program changes. My greatest source of inspiration is in the work I do for other athletes & not focusing on myself! Have a great day ya'll xo
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Mar 02, 2014
Stop looking for validation in all corners of the gym . . . the key to achieving your goals & dreams is in the perception you have of yourself. Now go out there & smash your goals!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Feb 28, 2014
Thoughts are most POWERFUL & I'm going to go out on a limb here & assume that Ali's statement below was not one so much of arrogance, but more about having a solid belief that, "what you believe yourself to be, you will ultimately become!"
Comment Repost
Posted by TonyaNZ
0 Reposts Feb 25, 2014