
this is what a gains selfie looks like @RADRYAN
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Posted by SwoldierSterl
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2014
All Kindzzzz of Gainzzzz....
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Posted by SwoldierSterl
0 Reposts Jan 06, 2014
Not all body builders or fitness/health advocates do body building/ physique shows. The satisfaction of looking in the mirror and knowing where you've been, the progress you've made, and where you are now is an addicting feeling. #keepgoing
Comment Repost
Posted by SwoldierSterl
1 Repost Jan 06, 2014
There is no point in worrying about stuff that's out of your control or you can't change at the current moment. I find I am a lot happier and accomplish a lot more when I stay in the moment and look at problems and obstacles AS CHALLENGES TO OVERCOME
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Posted by SwoldierSterl
3 Reposts Jan 05, 2014
Playgrounds in Russia. :D
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Posted by SwoldierSterl
0 Reposts Jan 05, 2014
Sometimes I wish I had hottie blinders at the gym... -_-We all do it! :D
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Posted by SwoldierSterl
2 Reposts Jan 05, 2014
Ahhhhhh Yeeeeaaaaaaahhh!
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Posted by SwoldierSterl
0 Reposts Jul 12, 2013
yeahhhhh sunnnnN!
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Posted by SwoldierSterl
0 Reposts Apr 11, 2013