
Incredible physique. It's this kind of aesthetic keeps me motivated to keep eating clean and lifting heavy!!
Incredible shape and muscle definition.
I'm trying to be more realistic about the kind of body I could achieve. I'd like to think that this would be in the vicinity of my end goal.
Colton Haynes. Physical perfection. THIS is the physique I want. Lean, muscular, defined and fit. Not overly muscled but lean and athletic looking.
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Posted by StormHarvester
0 Reposts Jun 18, 2015
I've been feeling a bit down and this appeared in my Tumblr feed.
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Posted by StormHarvester
3 Reposts Jun 16, 2015
The exact aesthetics, lean muscled physique I'm trying to achieve. It's this kind of thing that keeps pushing me in my gym sessions.
I need to keep my eyes on the prize. I need to focus on my end goal physique. I need to stay motivated to get to where I want to be.
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Posted by StormHarvester
0 Reposts May 21, 2015
Just about to head into winter. Now is the time the hard work needs to be done so I can have something to be proud of in the summer. Starting on my goals for 2016 now.
I think this kind of physique is something I could realistically strive to achieve.
I really need this today. I'm feeling quite disheartened by the before and after pic comparisons. Just need to keep going in the hopes that I'll get there in the end.
I know I don't have abs today (yes, people are still criticising me because of that) and I may not get them tomorrow but I'm ok with that. I'm closer than I was yesterday and I believe that because I put in 100% effort.
I thought this was hilarious. I've said this a few times to friends (I don't have a babe #singlelyf) where I said I'll be somewhere at a certain time...but need to go to the gym first...and then ended up arriving REALLY late.
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Posted by StormHarvester
0 Reposts May 02, 2015
My motivation for today. I hope that one day I will be able to achieve a physique that's half as amazing as this.
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Posted by StormHarvester
0 Reposts Mar 26, 2015
Off to the gym to make up for lost time. One day I will look like this. Let's make it happen!
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Posted by StormHarvester
1 Repost Dec 22, 2014
I was contemplating skipping the gym tonight but then I saw this and realized that I'll never look like a super hero sitting on the couch. The true super power is fighting the voices in your head that tell you not to even try.
Time to hit my back and biceps. Sacrificing my Sunday sleep ins to achieve my physique goal. You better believe I'm dedicated.
Abs-solutely phenomenal aesthetics. This is what I'm aiming to achieve one day. Better get my a*s to the gym then!
Perfect aesthetics. This is what I will look like one day. It's not a matter of if I can...but when. And that all depends on how much time, effort and energy I'm willing to commit to achieving this. And you better believe I'm committed to it.
Cannot wait to hit the gym tonight. I've got a LOT on my mind that I need to get out of my system and the gym is the only place I can go to get rid of it all. I have a feeling tonight's session is going to be epic.
Everyone in the office has ordered take-out. I've declined becuase I have a physique that I want to achieve. Some people are lucky and don't have to work very hard to have a great body. Others like me, have to work extremely hard to have a good body.
Time to hit the gym before the pre-workout kicks in. I've come to the conclusion that even if I looked like an underwear model people would still find something wrong with how I look. So I'm going to try and focus on looking better than yesterday.
This appeared in my Facebook news feed this morning. Describing the expectations versus reality. Hilariously (but sadly) accurate. It comforts me to know that it's not just me that this happens to though.
It won't happen in a workout, in a day, in a week or a year...but it will happen. You just have to believe that it will and those workouts, days, weeks and years will eventually add up.
The motivation for tonight's legs and abs workout session. I'll get there one day.