
Gotta make them gains!
Oh, and No Excuses!!
Shout out to everyone training arms today!!!
Yup that's me....
I know it's a good cardio session when I leave the gym looking like Sammy Hagar...
TBT 2006. During one of the MANY breaks in my training. Managed to retain some definition but my arms are at least an inch smaller than they are now. I was probably 10lbs lighter as well.
First day back after cold & injuries. And what day is it? LEG DAY! No rest for the wicked ;)
Leg day motivation. Fastest man in men's racing. I love his determination and perseverance!
Hee Hee
Make that 2 days...still running a low fever. Someone train for me please?? Shoulders & legs and a 30 minute cardio session. Thanks, I'll return the favor ;)
Comment Repost
Posted by SmartHeidi2
0 Reposts May 05, 2015
This man has been a huge inspiration to me and continues to be. Aesthetically, I think he was at his best competing in his 40's. Age means NOTHING.
Back, Traps & Bi's for me today!! Happy training everyone!!
Yeah, I need a hug, or whatever. LOL. My whatever would be a huge plate of French fries....or maybe a twice baked potato?
Well 3 out of 4 ain't bad....
Week 3 of Shortcut to Shred and it looks like it's lifting heavy today! Chest & Tri's get ready to get brutalized...
Looks like laughing boy is at it I need to get even.
This tornado is hitting back & bi's at 1200 hours, get out of my way....
Beware of gym rat's with their smart phones in the gym. Just finished a grueling Day 2 of Shortcut to Shred, get back to work and check my fb and I get this.....Ok it's juvenile but it made me laugh.
Happy Flex Friday Fit Fam! Just thought I'd sketch out some muscle today :)
Save the kittens people...