
Four internal powers we all possess. Tap into them and you'll be unstoppable :)
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Posted by SMHoff
0 Reposts Oct 01, 2015
Paint your Own Masterpiece :) My artsy side likes this in conjunction with my shy side that tries to remember to actually LIVE :) Everyday is a gift, make it count and cherish the moments along the way.
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Posted by SMHoff
1 Repost Jan 29, 2015
Good Nike ad (giving credit, found online) I am working on the strong, muscular and lean legs. Thunder thighs work for me :)
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Posted by SMHoff
0 Reposts Jan 29, 2015
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Posted by SMHoff
0 Reposts Jan 20, 2015
IF... I try to build myself and others. Seems helping others is much easier than self in progress right? :)
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Posted by SMHoff
0 Reposts Jan 20, 2015
I Choose... I had this saved on my laptop, thought I'd share...something I strive for :)
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Posted by SMHoff
0 Reposts Jan 09, 2015
credit to Muscle & Fitness Hers on FB for this one...have to keep this in my mind...ringing in my ears!
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Posted by SMHoff
0 Reposts Jan 12, 2014
I'm sure I found this here a while back but had to post because it is so fitting. So whomever posted it speaks volumes.
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Posted by SMHoff
3 Reposts Jan 05, 2014
Remembered I took this pic a while back and thought it appropriate. I am a muscle nut at just gotta get the bod to reflect it :)
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Posted by SMHoff
1 Repost Jun 08, 2013
I have to keep this in my head at all times I think...more motivating than anything is to be the best Me possible. I will :D
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Posted by SMHoff
4 Reposts May 31, 2013