
It's not important what others think of you, but it is very important what you think of yourself!!!
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Feb 26, 2014
Before you know it you'll be asking..."How did it get so late so soon??" ......Life goes by in the blink of an eye, So appreciate the moments and make the best out of it!!
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Posted by Rose54
2 Reposts Jan 29, 2014
I wish I could say that...... it is to Hard to do it.... but, I am still trying though ;)
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Jan 28, 2014
Nothing is impossible. Like Christopher Reeve Said “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” - Christopher Reeve
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Jan 17, 2014
good to have both :)
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2014
Don't give up , I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy!!!
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Jan 09, 2014
" Consistent, hard work gains success. Greatness will come… Be willing to put in the work and lets make 2014 your year for greatness." Dwayne Johnson
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Posted by Rose54
3 Reposts Jan 03, 2014
we're terrible at keeping New Year's resolutions :) Let us start with a good one that we can keep;)
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Dec 31, 2013
Look on this step with enthusiasm because keeping fit and strong is fun and very rewarding for you and for others around you!!!
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Posted by Rose54
1 Repost Dec 17, 2013
Don't judge someone by their cover!!
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Dec 14, 2013
Never Give Up!!
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Dec 14, 2013
Nothing worth having comes easy, the more you have to struggle to achieve it the least likely you would take it for granted!
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Dec 13, 2013
7 Rules Of Life!
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Posted by Rose54
1 Repost Dec 12, 2013
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Dec 09, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Oct 10, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Oct 10, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Oct 10, 2013
Enjoy the successes that you have, and don’t be too hard on yourself when you don’t do well. Just relax and enjoy it :)
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Posted by Rose54
1 Repost Oct 04, 2013
Cheat Meal Time ...... enjoy it :)
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Oct 04, 2013
And if you're kickin' *** w your training/diet goals Enjoy yourself a **** good Legendary Cheat Day too
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Oct 04, 2013
For Now I like to get to the point to be look good in clothes.......I will deal with the naked part later lol
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Posted by Rose54
2 Reposts Sep 22, 2013
DON't LET IT!!!!!!!
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Sep 22, 2013
Weight loss Basics!!
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Sep 22, 2013
No excuses baby...
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Posted by Rose54
0 Reposts Sep 22, 2013