
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Oct 13, 2016
This is so beautiful and SO TRUE!! They SEE your actions and learn, they HEAR your words and FEEL. Love them, cherish them, for they are only yours for a preciously short time.
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Mar 15, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Dec 22, 2015
My most difficult task when trying to get in shape.
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Dec 15, 2015
This is mostly me. If you find my "mad" cute - you might want to keep it to yourself or leave. :-)
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Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Jan 21, 2015
Making this my wallpaper on my PC. I do struggle daily.
This was just too awesome not to share! Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Dec 23, 2014
LOVED THIS!!! Stealing!! (and posting to Fb! LOL) I'm evil like that!
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Apr 25, 2014
SSSOOOOOO how I feel right now!!!
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Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Mar 10, 2014
Saving and posting to fb - for the drama feeders. LOL
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Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Jan 17, 2014
A girl's best friends - Coffee & Wine!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Jan 10, 2014
Awesome story and transformation!!
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Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Jan 08, 2014
You Know it BABY!!
LMAO!!! I can't run from a house fire, but this is why I exercise and do my best to stay fit! Love it!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Dec 19, 2013
I needed this reminder!
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
2 Reposts Nov 25, 2013
Phoenix, baby. Rising out of ashes. Hey Mrunal, my Phoenix sista, have you seen this one??!! So beautiful!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Nov 20, 2013
AMEN!!! I didn't raise my kids on that crap - and it wasn't a "Go To" to keep them happy. Have we been there? Yes, but rarely. Now, neither will eat there at all.
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Nov 17, 2013
Winning! This is TOTALLY ME!!!! LMAO!!!
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Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Nov 13, 2013
This is what I want my back to look like!!
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Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Sep 25, 2013
Love the caption - but, OMG!! I think I just found my next tattoo!!!!! This is beautiful!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
3 Reposts Jul 20, 2013
I truly love to see and feel proud for heavy people going to the gym. They're taking those steps in their journey to a healthier body and life. That's AWESOME!!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Jul 16, 2013
TOTALLY my mantra these days!!! Broken hearts make bodybuilders!!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Jul 09, 2013
My #1 Rule in the Gym: Don't care what anyone else thinks of you, you're there for you!
Comment Repost
Posted by Rejinared
0 Reposts Jul 07, 2013