
"Practice doesn't make perfect....Perfect Practice Makes Perfect!" Be Consistent! Consistency is Key to Success Regardless Of How Many Times You May Stumble!!! Get The Hell Up like, & Get what You Want Most!!! No Quit Nation!!! -Muscle Takeover
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Oct 01, 2013
"Do You" What this Means is...Stop trying to Compare your behind the scenes self to other peoples highlight pictures. Live Love Be the Best Version of yourself PERIOD!!! No One Can be You Better Than You Can...
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Posted by Reef43
1 Repost Oct 01, 2013
"If You Really Want a Better Body!!! Then Do Your *Future Self* A Favor and KEEP GOING!!! You Never Know When the Right Formula Will Present It's Self To Mold Your Body!!! And It **** Sure Wont' Show Up If You Give Up!!!" -Muscle Takeover
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Oct 01, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Reef43
1 Repost Sep 26, 2013
"The Mind is The Battle Ground" ~Reggie "RJH-II" Hurdle~ -Muscle Takeover
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 26, 2013
"Greatness is Upon You...Act Like It." ~Eric Thomas~ -Muscle Takeover
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 26, 2013
Leave No Stone Un-turned On Your Journey to Manifesting the body you visualize!!! -Instagram: royalmtof -Twitter: Muscle Takeover
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Posted by Reef43
1 Repost Sep 26, 2013
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Posted by Reef43
2 Reposts Sep 23, 2013
ISYMFS!!!!!!! You Bon Bon eating MF (In My C.T. voice) lol
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 18, 2013
Study Yourself...Undue your expectations...Live for the Now! Do your Best NOW, Enjoy The ACTION more than the Result! And Let things Unfold and Surprise You!!! -Twitter: Muscle Takeover -Instagram: Royalmtof
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 17, 2013
Keep Striving Till the day you pass.... If you've already gotten this far, You might as well get something from it! KEEP GOING!!!!
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 17, 2013
~Eric Thomas~
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Posted by Reef43
1 Repost Sep 17, 2013
Your Dreams in Life are your *True Natural Self* Without a Filter....Do What You Luv To DO!!!!
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 16, 2013
Some Mandatory Ingredients for Success and Inner Happiness Life!
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 16, 2013
Stay True To YOURSELF!!! Create Your Own Path of Travel & Lead With other Leaders! ~Be Phenomenal~ -Muscle Takeover -Instagram: ROYALMTOF -Twitter: Muscle Takeover
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 16, 2013
For all the Olympic Lifter Lovers Twitter: Muscle Takeover -Instagram: Royalmtof
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 14, 2013
Nothing Less than Great! -Instagram: Royalmtof -Twitter: Muscle Takeover
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Sep 14, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Reef43
1 Repost Mar 07, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Reef43
1 Repost Mar 07, 2013
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2013
~Truth Be Told~
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Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2013
~COMMITMENT~ "Either Your IN, Or Your OUT. There's No Such Thing As A Life In Between."
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Posted by Reef43
1 Repost Mar 07, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Reef43
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2013