
.How I feel when I see someone doing an exercise completely wrong!
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Oct 26, 2015
.Story of my life...
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Oct 14, 2015
Yep, there needed to be more excitement!
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Jul 30, 2015
Very true.
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts May 04, 2015
.You only get better by trying something new...
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Apr 07, 2015
HANGRY, if you don't understand, then you have never been on a meal plan.
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Feb 25, 2015
I think we have all been there.
This will be me in about three weeks...I promise you.
I think you got the wrong car McFly...
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Jul 29, 2014
The top could also be "To the inlaws..." :)
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Jul 22, 2014
You have been warned.
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Posted by TheTrickster
1 Repost Jul 14, 2014
Need I say more?
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Jul 02, 2014
How accurate!
My last team was named the Global Gym Purple Cobras :)
Going to extremes!
Life story!
Comment Repost
Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Apr 23, 2014
My philosophy in life: if you don't have a sense of humor you're better off dead!
Hell yeah!
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Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Apr 16, 2014
True for any of us who have gone through a life changing event
Too true.
Comment Repost
Posted by TheTrickster
0 Reposts Feb 04, 2014
This is a nice one!
Maximus telling the truth
Comment Repost
Posted by TheTrickster
1 Repost Feb 03, 2014