
Over a year working out regularly. Eating clean and lifting heavy
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Posted by Niquereza
0 Reposts Jun 05, 2015
Get more too ;) lol
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Posted by Niquereza
1 Repost Dec 30, 2014
Inspiration for the ladies!
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Posted by Niquereza
0 Reposts Jun 05, 2014
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Posted by Niquereza
1 Repost Nov 05, 2013
Exactly .... Then so can I!
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Posted by Niquereza
1 Repost Apr 30, 2013
Had to repost great motivation!
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Posted by Niquereza
0 Reposts Apr 29, 2013
:) Oh I try to tell myself this everytime I wanna skip a workout
Im learning
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Posted by Niquereza
1 Repost Apr 25, 2013
I got this off my Facebook... I like what she said its a reminder in patience and being consistent
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Posted by Niquereza
0 Reposts Apr 23, 2013
I dont know who this is but she motivates me!
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Posted by Niquereza
1 Repost Apr 23, 2013
The one thing you have control over always is building and sculpting your body. No excuses
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Posted by Niquereza
5 Reposts Apr 21, 2013
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Posted by Niquereza
3 Reposts Apr 19, 2013
This quote really made me think
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Posted by Niquereza
0 Reposts Apr 18, 2013
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Posted by Niquereza
1 Repost Apr 18, 2013