
Join us tonight parascope 5 pm CST Q & A
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Posted by NikkiWalter
0 Reposts Jun 16, 2015
Summer challenge...who is participating?
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Posted by NikkiWalter
0 Reposts May 20, 2015
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Posted by NikkiWalter
0 Reposts May 20, 2015
New leg workout today- it was awesome!!!!
My #wcw tag your super mom & super woman
Never change yourself to impress someone- they should be impressed you don't change to please others
When you are motivated and excited about pursuing your dreams, you’ll attract other people who have the same values and interests. Surround yourself with the movers and shakers, and In the hard times, your friends to motivate you!
Just like posing on stage like a bikiniathlete :)
Confidence is awesome ladies.... There are millions of beautiful people in this world .. YOU ARE one of them! Embrace your uniqueness- flaws- lessons learned and own it!
How many of you are still in!?
Motivation Monday
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." Ernest Hemingway
Fit Friday
Shake it off friends- don't forget YOU have the power to change. Sometimes, not the circumstances but how you react to them! be YOU and be hard, play hard and help others, its enough to keep you dancing!
We all experience this ... A good reminder the only thing to fear is fear itself Keep inspiring Nikki walter
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Posted by NikkiWalter
0 Reposts Mar 24, 2015
Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can, there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did. -"Sarah Caldwell Grateful for the opportunity to work with an amazing family at @bodybuildingcom Keep inspiring
Are you going to be in Columbus OH, for the Arnold Classic? We want YOU to come train with TEAM! We will be at @MetrofitnessOhio on Friday, March 6th from 7:00-9:00pm. Also, we will be covering the gym's fee for the first 50 people!!
Today day 15... Leaving in 6 days for #asf2015 and im feeling ready!! I'll be on the road this weekend so prepping weekend food - as you can see sticking to it is vital!! Don't ruin progress for the temporary satisfaction of your craving
Thank you BodySpace family đź’—? Keep Inspiring @_nikkiwalter
Yep counting down to ASF 2015 My workouts are a bit longer !!!