
Comment Repost
Posted by Nadermann
0 Reposts Apr 08, 2014
90% of everything we do is ATTITUDE! Set that right and the other 10% is easy.....
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Posted by Nadermann
0 Reposts Apr 08, 2014
Real. ****.
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Posted by Nadermann
1 Repost Apr 08, 2014
The is not done. NOT yet!
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Posted by Nadermann
0 Reposts Apr 08, 2014
The roar will come....
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Posted by Nadermann
2 Reposts Apr 07, 2014
HERE we go!!!
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Posted by Nadermann
0 Reposts Apr 04, 2014
3X this past week to the chiropractor for an out of kilter pelvis - back in the gym today - finally starting to feel somewhat better!! Worked out beyond my normal timeframes.....yea!!!
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Posted by Nadermann
0 Reposts Feb 16, 2014
Be a Warrior. Engage the battle....
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Posted by Nadermann
1 Repost Feb 06, 2014
We ALL have that power, whether we realize it or not....
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Posted by Nadermann
1 Repost Feb 05, 2014
Losers stay down. Champions get up. We all fall down.....
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Posted by Nadermann
1 Repost Feb 05, 2014
Yeah You probably are too! Do you realize it, though??
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Posted by Nadermann
0 Reposts Jan 28, 2014
How committed are you??
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Posted by Nadermann
1 Repost Jan 27, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Nadermann
0 Reposts Jan 24, 2014
Key word: Consistent. (Yeah misspelled in the graphic!) Consistency brings results. Inconsistency is wasted time.
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Posted by Nadermann
0 Reposts Jan 23, 2014
Every. Day.
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Posted by Nadermann
4 Reposts Jan 23, 2014