
Something I always keep in mind, when the going gets tough, it makes it feel that much better when you get through it! always remember though that someone else out there has it tougher and is working harder than you!
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Posted by Muddybone
0 Reposts Aug 20, 2013
Strong to the cor!
Haha, some days are like this, but we keep going!
Never give up! Just think "I'm Possible"
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Posted by Muddybone
2 Reposts Jun 24, 2013
Sore is almost gone! Time to hit the weights again!
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Posted by Muddybone
4 Reposts Jun 24, 2013
mmmm breakfast :)
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Posted by Muddybone
1 Repost Jun 23, 2013
REST DAY FOLKS! (the only day where the hardest part doesn't rest at all!) Enjoy the day of muscle recovery, get some easy cardio and enjoy!
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Posted by Muddybone
10 Reposts Jun 23, 2013
Ok maybe not everyone haha
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Posted by Muddybone
1 Repost Jun 22, 2013
Visualize the future! See in your mind what you want to achieve! Imagine yourself conquering and crushing your goals!
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Posted by Muddybone
1 Repost Jun 21, 2013
After Craig Capurso's Leg day....
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Posted by Muddybone
0 Reposts Jun 21, 2013
Let nothing stop you!
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Posted by Muddybone
1 Repost Jun 21, 2013
So what are you going to do about it?
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Posted by Muddybone
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
In that case I'm starving
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Posted by Muddybone
2 Reposts Jun 17, 2013
After Today's butt kicking workout, New motivational picture! cheers Craig ;)
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Posted by Muddybone
1 Repost Jun 17, 2013
Before fitness was "cool" !
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Posted by Muddybone
0 Reposts Jun 17, 2013