
That's the truth, no doubt! Stay strong FitFam!
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Posted by MasXingon1977
0 Reposts Jan 12, 2019
What's done is done. Gotta leave all that negative shyt behind, stay focused on our goals and grind it out. Anything is possible when willing to put in the work.
Only doing 2 leg days/week. PT for the right bicep area starts next week. Diet is tight, more satisfied than ever with what I eat. Feeling skinny in areas away from the mid-section, but know fatloss still needed. PATIENCE!! HEAL & CUT, then BULK!
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Posted by MasXingon1977
0 Reposts Aug 04, 2018
Been noticing L-shape like veins appearing, extending from the bicep area, up and around the shoulder. Can't wait to expose them even more! One of my many motivations to shred as much as possible for the next 6-8 months. Tomorrow, Day 1
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Posted by MasXingon1977
0 Reposts Apr 28, 2018
Time change, plumbing issues, working overtime, viewing properties (buying one in 2018!), etc. made it harder to add 2 more days of lifting a week. Feels good to keep fitness a priority! Kicking off this gym routine strong!
Feeling blessed to be on the right track towards my fitness goals while patient with the process. 41 years old, in the best shape of my adult life and stronger than ever!
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Posted by MasXingon1977
0 Reposts Feb 18, 2018
In the middle of what appears to be my most successful attempt at bulking. Workouts are intense, so much going on in my mind. The battle between self sabotage and believing I can give more is real! Trying not to overthink while giving it all I can.
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Posted by MasXingon1977
0 Reposts Feb 10, 2018
Next month I go back to bulking! I only took this on for two weeks this year, backing off after a lower back injury. Today I start drafting my plans for a successful clean bulking program!
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Posted by MasXingon1977
0 Reposts Dec 09, 2017
On this journey for almost 5 years, I didn't begin to realize this till about half way through. Today my quality of life is 10 times better than it was when I was obese. I've made major life changes beyond fitness I never thought possible.
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Posted by MasXingon1977
1 Repost Dec 03, 2017
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Posted by MasXingon1977
0 Reposts Dec 02, 2017
Proud to say I'm In love with taking care of my body. Spirit is pretty strong. Overcoming the fat boy mentality is an ongoing struggle, but I've made a lot of progress! More to come.
Proud to say that giving up hasn't crossed my mind in a long time. I'm curious to see how my body will look after shedding off the last of the fat and adding some muscle.
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Posted by MasXingon1977
0 Reposts Sep 16, 2017
It's time to take my fitness to new heights. And I'm ready!!
Tuesday is the big day! New diet, gym routine and a lot more cardio. Meal planning is complete, I'll add a few veggie dishes to the menu. Lower back is healing slowly, but I won't let that get in the way of being in the best shape of my life!
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Posted by MasXingon1977
0 Reposts Jul 15, 2017
I want to be half as strong as he was in his prime.
Thanks to Ellyluna for sharing.
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Posted by MasXingon1977
2 Reposts Jun 09, 2017