
Progess pic first day back. The only way is up! Abs are mia, but shoulders are looking good.
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Jan 02, 2018
#1 Album of all time
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Dec 21, 2017
That's it, I'm adding a forearm day to my split.
Comment Repost
Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Dec 06, 2017
Comment Repost
Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Jul 09, 2016
Steve Cook Always Deliver
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Feb 19, 2015
“The more you’re obsessed by something, the better chance you have of achieving it.” – Frank Zane
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Feb 18, 2015
Jason Poston is my biggest inspiration to train right now. Guy is such a beast!
Comment Repost
Posted by ManuDD
2 Reposts Feb 08, 2015
Walk, A.K.A. The PR Song
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Posted by ManuDD
1 Repost Nov 21, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Nov 08, 2013
How I feel after a workout.
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Nov 06, 2013
How I feel when I have to ask a random to spot me.
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Nov 06, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Nov 04, 2013
Thanks Chuck !
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Nov 04, 2013
Love this movie
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Nov 04, 2013
My favorite fighter
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Nov 04, 2013
It's all that matters !
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Posted by ManuDD
3 Reposts Nov 03, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by ManuDD
1 Repost Oct 20, 2013
I don't do cardio. I box.
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Oct 20, 2013
Inspiration to the bones.
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Posted by ManuDD
2 Reposts Oct 17, 2013
Just look at him now
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Posted by ManuDD
2 Reposts Oct 17, 2013
Yeahhh Buudddy !!
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Posted by ManuDD
0 Reposts Oct 16, 2013
It's all in the head!
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Posted by ManuDD
2 Reposts Oct 15, 2013
The Rock. Nuff said.
Comment Repost
Posted by ManuDD
3 Reposts Oct 14, 2013