
This is so true... if you want it bad enough, you will make it work so shut down those negative thoughts in your head and go after what sets your soul on fire and smash your goals! Love you fitfam! Let's make 2016 our year!!! A x
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Mar 23, 2016
I am so thankful that I know how good that feeling is... be it in mind, body or soul - training gives such a euphoric rush! I wish people would just give it a go and experience it for themselves!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Mar 16, 2016
Wake up every morning and be grateful for all the blessings in your life! This small act sets up your attitude for the day and keeps you on track to get that one step closer to achieving your heart's desires. Keep up the positive vibes fitfam!! x
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Mar 12, 2016
Some days you feel like you're not getting the progress to match the effort you have been putting in but you have to keep the faith! Good things take time - remain focused on your goals and don't give up! You've got this - I believe in YOU! Alli x
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Mar 02, 2016
Haha love this! And it's true... after being limited to only lower body workouts these past 2 weeks, the legs are definitely changing - so excited for the progress and loving every moment! Keep killing it fitfam :D Alli x
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
1 Repost Mar 01, 2016
If you want something bad enough, it’s up to you to go out and make it happen! You have the power within in you to be whatever you desire to be! Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to chase your dreams!
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
1 Repost Feb 24, 2016
#demfeels have already kicked in after getting my results from my body composition assessment and they will continue to grow as I work hard towards my goals. Hope everyone is having an AMAZING day!! Alli x (IG @allisfitlyfe)
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Feb 17, 2016
Gotta keep those appointments with yourself and make it happen!! Those gym sessions are for you and you alone so why would you want to cancel?!?! Here's to you fitfam! Let's do this :) (Follow me on IG @allisfitlyfe) Alli x
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Feb 15, 2016
Be disciplined, confident and determined in your pursuits. Stop self-sabotaging and continue to become the person you want to be! Alli x
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Feb 14, 2016
Well... What are you waiting for?? #gokillit #youcandothis #believeinyou
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2016
Every win counts - be it finishing that workout when you feel too tired or saying 'no thanks' to that slice of cake... celebrate the good choices you make and be proud of yourself! They all add up in the long run :)
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Jan 17, 2016
Just stop the excuses and give it your all! The only one that suffers from your excuses is YOU!
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
1 Repost Jan 12, 2016