
Tears will get you sympathy sweat will get you results
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Posted by Logie_Bear
1 Repost Oct 11, 2013
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going
Yesterday I dared to struggle today I dare to win
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Posted by Logie_Bear
0 Reposts Oct 11, 2013
Pain is inevitable suffering is optional!
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Posted by Logie_Bear
1 Repost Oct 11, 2013
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
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Posted by Logie_Bear
3 Reposts Oct 11, 2013
Too Tired... Too Busy... Too Weak ... NO EXCUSES
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Posted by Logie_Bear
1 Repost Oct 11, 2013
Change I can't into I can and pretty soon you will say I did.
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Posted by Logie_Bear
0 Reposts Oct 11, 2013
Strong is what happens when you run out of weak.
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Posted by Logie_Bear
0 Reposts Oct 11, 2013