
Comment Repost
Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Jun 12, 2014
Good morning Fit Fam! Time 2 hit the gym! Start raising the bar in EVERY area of ur life, not just the gym! Create the life u deserve! Life is too d*mn short! Working hard to create this for myself! #fitfam, #progress, #greatness, #dream (@LSFitLife)
Comment Repost
Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Jun 04, 2014
Time to hit the gym! #BeastModeOn, #fitfam, #liftheavyshit, #gains, #fitchicks, #fitgirls, #TrainInsane, #GetUrAssToTheGym!!! (Twitter---> @LSFitLife)
Comment Repost
Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Jun 03, 2014
Strong is beautiful! Greatness! Watch this fitness reel of Ashley Horner to get motivated & inspired to workout today!!
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Posted by LCS01
2 Reposts May 21, 2014
Watch this MOTIVATIONAL video by Eric Thomas on Perfecting the Day! His energy is insane! Get the most out of your day & stay super focused & productive, NOT just busy. Hope this helps those who watch it!
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts May 17, 2014
Watch this motivational video to get inspired to be GREAT!!! -
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts May 16, 2014
Discipline! Focus! Goals! Action! Get up & make your dreams a reality! Put in that work! Daily motivation by Eric Thomas.
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Posted by LCS01
1 Repost May 14, 2014
-Eric Thomas. If you have a dream...GO OUT & GET IT!! Keep your focus & motivation at 10/10 and stay consistent & persistent & YOU WILL achieve your goal. Don't let another year go by without taking ACTION. Make 2014 YOUR YEAR!
Comment Repost
Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts May 08, 2014
Be You! We are who we are for a reason. Our lives & our experiences are uniquely ours, but when shared, allow us to relate and connect to others through the good, the bad, & the ugly. Your unique self & story is worth sharing & will help others :)
Comment Repost
Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts May 06, 2014
"I lift because I love that ****!" -Fit motivation! Fit Inspiration! >>Paige Hathaway<< Love her physique & style.
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts May 04, 2014
GO WORKOUT! NO MORE EXCUSES!! No one has ever regretted a workout. You will feel AMAZING & PROUD of yourself when your done :)
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts May 03, 2014
Repeat: "I WILL SUCCEED!!!!!"
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Apr 30, 2014
We do the world a DISSERVICE by shrinking & playing small!! It is our duty to be our BEST!! To be the LIGHT for others!! We must liberate ourselves from fear so we can liberate others. Be the example of greatness!! >quote by Marianne Williamson<
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Posted by LCS01
2 Reposts Apr 29, 2014
Fit Motivation!! >>Michelle Lewin<<
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Apr 28, 2014
Be ALLERGIC to AVERAGE!! When you become PHENOMENAL, you will ATTRACT PHENOMENAL!! >Eric Thomas<
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Apr 27, 2014
Fit motivation!
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Posted by LCS01
1 Repost Apr 27, 2014
Fit motivation!
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Apr 24, 2014
Fitness motivation!! >>IFBB Bikini Pro Amanda Latona<<
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Posted by LCS01
1 Repost Apr 24, 2014
"Skinny girls look good in clothes. FIT girls look good naked!" MOTIVATION.
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Posted by LCS01
1 Repost Apr 22, 2014
Motivation to make health & fitness a lifelong habit! I hope to look this great at 76! She looks amazing.
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Apr 19, 2014
I will be successful because I decided I will! Here we go! Another great Eric Thomas quote (etthehiphoppreacher).
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Apr 13, 2014
I will be successful!
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Apr 13, 2014
In pursuit of greatness in every area of my life! "Be phenomenal or be forgotten!" -Eric Thomas
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2014
Fit inspiration! Motivation!
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Posted by LCS01
0 Reposts Apr 09, 2014